EARLY BIRD RATE: $325 (by 4/1)
Register by April 1 and receive a signed copy of Ira Chaleff's new book, To Stop A Tyrant when you arrive at the conference!
Join us for an unforgettable conference experience where we'll exchange the latest research; share best practices for teaching, training and team building; generate new ideas and insights; and co-create a growing global community.
This conference exists to elevate and illuminate followership skills and its many, many benefits to people, their careers, organizations, and society.
We believe there has been an over-focus on leadership and that hasn’t served us. It isn’t resulting in meaningful engagement, equity, or real power for us all. It isn’t optimizing human potential.
We advocate a shift from leader-centric approaches to partner-centric ones – and a restoration of balance in academia and industry and beyond. This is essential 21st-century knowledge.
Come join us to learn cutting edge research and practical tips, tools and techniques you can use right away.
Thank you for subscribing!
Have a great day!
"The design of this conference promises to take another leap forward in our thinking, dialogue, and influence in the world, which is in desperate need of healthier and more conscious ways of leading and following."
- IRA CHALEFF, Author, The Courageous Follower: Standing Up To and For Our Leaders
"...a wonderful experience—perhaps the best organized and most efficient conference that I have ever attended... What stands out, however, was the deep, focused learning on followership, and the good fellowship among the attendees."
- RON RIGGIO, Henry R. Kravis Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology, Claremont McKenna College
Indiana Wesleyan University’s Division of Leadership and Followership Studies is one of the first academic units in the world to provide focus on the topic of followership in several of its programs. The university and the division are widely acclaimed in the academic community for being “out front” in connecting both leadership and followership as essential to organizations.
PhD in Organizational
Leadership named #1
online PhD in the U.S.
by Forbes Advisor.
Associates, Bachelors,
Masters, and Doctoral
programs studying
leadership and
Custom work with
Certificate programs
Essentials of Followership: Rethinking the Leadership Paradigm with Purpose
This highly acclaimed new book, now in its second edition, explores different ways of thinking about leaders and followers as roles and as relationship-based qualities instead of mere ranks in the organization. The authors provide the student and the scholar key components of followership, inspiring leaders and followers in organizations to adopt transformed attitudes and actions that move beyond the constraints of current stereotypes, catalyzing stronger, healthier, and more effective communities of purpose.
Lead & Follow offers a candid discussion of lead and follow dynamics within teamwork, collaboration, and professional development. Host Sharna Fabiano talks with educators, consultants, and professionals to explore the relational dance between leadership and followership, and how to become excellent in both roles.