This year our core program of research presentations, workshops, discussions, panels and plenaries will span a full THREE days, 9am-5pm.
PLUS: Join us Tuesday night for a social Meet & Greet at the hotel and Wednesday night for the Followership Farmer's Market and Community Dinner, included with registration.
EARLY BIRD RATE: $325 (before 4/1)
Furthering our commitment to connect research and practice, we are coordinating two very exciting plenary guest panels for the 2025 conference.
The first will feature ground-breaking research scholars of followership, moderated by Conference Co-Chair Sharna Fabiano.
The second will feature innovative trainers and practitioners of followership, moderated by Conference Co-Chair Ron Riggio.
We've received rave reviews on many of our past conference sessions, and we feel that some of them deserve not only an encore but a deeper dive.
This year, we're bringing back some of our most beloved workshops and extending them into 3-hour sessions in a special Deep Dive conference track.
See Deep Dives for details on Courageous Followership, Polarity Thinking, Introducing Followership to New Audiences, and more.
Instead of fresh food, we're in the market for fresh ideas. The Wednesday afternoon Followership Farmers Market is a place to learn about a fantastic new followership book, course, or development tool.
The market brings together authors, podcasters, inventors, trainers, creators, debaters and peddlers of other provocative followership goods, as well as a gallery of followership posters sharing the latest research and scholarly explorations in a tasty, snack-size format.
It is a place where serendipitous followership community is created and where surprising followership discoveries are made!
To be followed by a Community Dinner!
Ira Chaleff
Recently the keynote speaker for the British Army’s annual leadership conference, Ira is renowned for his landmark book, The Courageous Follower.
Following the publication of his latest book, To Stop a Tyrant, Ira will guide a discussion on growing the practice of engaged political followership.
Dr. Marc Hurwitz & Samantha Hurwitz
Exemplifying a Generative Partnership (they co-created The Generative Partnership Model!), Marc and Sam are known for their engaging, “pracademic” sessions.
Having taught followership with leadership for nearly two decades, Marc and Samantha will share insights from the latest research along with many practical takeaways for both personal and organizational effectiveness.
Dr. Wendy M. Edmonds
A captivating storyteller, Wendy was the first researcher to conduct focus group studies with survivors of the 1978 Jonestown Massacre, culminating in her gripping book, InToxicating Followership.
Sadly many of us have - or are still - experiencing toxicity in our workplaces or communities. Wendy will create space for sharing, healing, and helping us see our personal agency and power with fresh eyes.
Langley Sharp
Langley is the former head of the Centre for Army Leadership and the author of The Habit of Excellence, distilling over three centuries of the Army's experience in the art, science and practice of leadership.
He also co-authored the British Army Doctrine Note on Followership and is Founder and Director of the consultancy firm Frontier Leadership.
Maike Kugler
A passionate people and team developer in both higher education and applied contexts, Maike incorporates followership in her research and work as a lecturer and business coach.
Maike will foster thoughts around the informal role of followership, highlighting the outcomes of follower behavior for individuals and organizations, as well as its significance.
Chris Monö
Christian Monö, a Swedish followership expert, has studied “natural followership” and “collaborationship” for almost two decades. His clients include universities, corporations, and the Swedish Army.
Join Chris for a session exploring natural followership and democracy.
Elizabeth Monroe-Cook
Consulting psychologist and graduate of Polarity Thinking™ Mastery Program; Liz is author of articles and a book chapter about Polarity Thinking applications.
Widen your view, solutions, and impacts through the deliberate use of Polarity Thinking™ or both-and intelligence for utilization of both leadership and followership viewpoints.
Lindsay Burr
An engaging facilitator and Polarity Thinking™ Master Trainer, Lindsay brings a depth of knowledge and a global perspective that supports seeing the known in a new way.
Lindsay will unpack the key concepts of Polarity Thinking and change how you think about leadership and followership forever. Come away with a fresh perspective and toolset for greater inclusivity and impact.
Dr. Althea Simpson
In an era where organizations struggle to foster authentic leader-follower relationships, Althea offers a breakthrough approach using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology.
Following her acclaimed session that earned top ratings at the 2024 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, she returns by popular demand to guide participants through a three-hour immersive exploration of leadership-followership dynamics.